Knack Roeselare stunts and takes giant step towards European cup win

Knack Roeselare stunts and takes giant step towards European cup win

Steven Vanmedegael can have a fully fit core for this historic match. Unfortunately, Thomas Rousseaux is missing at Modena, who remains sidelined with knee problems. Trainer Andrea Giani does have other cards up his sleeve, such as the Brazilian playmaker Bruno, the French Ngapeth and Maréchal, and the Serbian Surinamer Dragan Stankovic.

Palapanini (named after Guiseppe Panini, the famous scrapbooker) is the home of Modena Volley. The hall of about 4000 places will not be completely full, more than 200 supporters have come from Roeselare.

In this article you can follow updates of the game during the evening.

Set 1 : immediately a stunt.

Knack immediately has bad luck when Seppe Rotty injures his little finger at a reception. He has to get off. The restored Tammearu takes his place. It’s Tammearu who gives Knack his first lead, at 4-5. Star player Ngapeth meanwhile blows hot and cold. Unstoppable through the middle, but also with a serve misses. Modena’s service cannon barely shoots, which gives Roeselare more and more confidence. Fasteland well cleared by Dhulst, 10-13. Modena actually seems upset, and Roeselare runs further to 15-19, and 19-22, a stunt seems to be in the making. A service from Sander Depovere gives Roeselare a first set point (20-24), the Italian coach Giani escapes in a time-out. Depovere serves the first set point in the net. Kukartsev does not miss after that, 21-15. Knack Roeselare gets 68 percent offensively, formidable against a team like Modena.

Set 2 : goal already achieved

Modena has now been warned extra. Thanks to a successful challenge, Roeselare stays in the area for a while, but the duo Bruno-Ngapeth is getting more and more on track. But you can also say the same about Kukartsev. He brings Roeselare alongside again (4-4), and when Sanguinetti hits the net, Knack comes ahead again (5-6). An attack through the center of Fasteland makes Giani reach for a timeout again (10-12). Modena then tries to stop Kukartsev, but Verhanneman takes over (11-14). And the Argentinian also keeps on steaming (14-17). An incomprehensible decision for an alleged error in the net by D’hulst causes resentment, and Modena takes advantage (18-19). Vanmedegael briefly rallies his troops, and a serve miss from Modena also helps briefly. The longest rally of the set is then knocked out by Rinaldi (19-21), a poor reception by the Italians puts Kukartsev in position (19-22). A place ball from the Argentinian already makes Knack dream of a second set win. And it will come. Vanmedegael had hoped to return home with two sets in his pocket, and that is already a fact. The supporters are already dreaming of winning.

Set 3: The stunt is in
