Knack Roeselare signs for a stunt victory against Piacenza

Knack Roeselare signs for a stunt victory against Piacenza

Piacenza may be ‘only’ sixth in its own league, but it is and remains a top team in perhaps the best league in Europe. Piacenza won the Italian Cup ten days ago. But Roeselare also did that in their own country, where Knack also races through the competition like a machine. The first set was truly amazing. In the second, the visitors came up after 20-15, but Knack still won 25-23. The third set brought the same score.

In a swirling Tomabel hall, the audience really went for it at every point. A major stunt for Roeselare, where the Argentinian Kukartsev was the top scorer with 18 points, ahead of the young Seppe Rotty (12 points) and Pieter Coolman (10 points).

Roeselare is so close to a fourth European final. In 2002 it won the CEV Cup (then Top Teams Cup), in 1998 and 1999 it lost the final of the Challenge Cup. Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza tries to follow in the footsteps of Volley Piacenza, which lost in 2018. That club won the CEV Cup in 2006 and the Challenge Cup in 2013 and was runner-up in the Champions League in 2008. Blueenergy took first prize last week by winning the Italian Cup.
