Knack Roeselare remains undefeated | Focus and WTV

Knack Roeselare remains undefeated

No place for Verhanneman, Tammearu, Koukartsev and Fasteland in the starting team for the match against Warworm. Coach Steven Vanmedegael gave his four basic players a welcome rest, but that did not seem to weaken. Warworm had to submit to the law of the strongest. In the first set, Borgworm was able to offer resistance through Samuel Fafchamps, but in set two the visitors had to release the role for good. Knack pressed the accelerator fully and could count on an impressive Michiel Ahyi for that. In the third and final set, Sander Depovere had the pleasure of directing the Knackmachine to what at times seemed like a punishment for the visitors. It eventually became 3-0 for the home team (25-18, 25-13 and 25-14).

Roeselare thus approaches to a point of leader Gent. With a match less on the counter, Knack is virtually in the lead.
