KLM is once again taking passengers on European flights to Schiphol

KLM is once again taking passengers on European flights to Schiphol. Yesterday, at the end of the afternoon, it was decided to have the vast majority of KLM Cityhopper flights fly back to Amsterdam empty. Eand spokesperson for KLM informs NH Nieuws that vIt is currently expected that this will not happen today.

On Friday, the airline decided to cancel 50 flights a day until Monday, but yesterday took a emergency handle and decided not to take passengers on European flights. According to KLM, the choice was made because of the great Whitsun chaos and unfavorable weather conditions and runway maintenance at Schiphol, which meant that many aircraft would not be able to land or depart in Amsterdam.

According to the trade union, the decision would also be partly due to a large staff shortage at KLM, but KLM denies this. Cabine union VNC and the Association for Commercial Pilots reacted furiously to the choice to leave passengers behind.

Very busy day

The measure to no longer transport passengers from European destinations to or via Amsterdam remained in force all last night, but is not the case today. A KLM spokesperson said: “It is another very busy day, as we expected.”
