‘Klimaatcrisis neemt niet af, en onze vastberadenheid evenmin’

Met slogans as ‘Change the policy, not the climate’, ‘Er is geen Planet B’ and ‘Hoeveel krisen nog voor er actie komt?’ dry de actievoerders by Brussel. He raised 96 organizations in the whole country. He was told that the climate issue was higher than the political agenda of the war. Een helped us for the start shot to cover all the many activists present.

The mars loops for the first time, but it’s rusty. The story is dried up on Brussel-Noord and follows along the Kruidtuinlaan and Kunstlaan near the Wetstraat. The mars is intussen droveriveerd in the Jubelpark. Most of the activists are closely guarded by an orkest in the park. The climatic atmosphere is still being discussed with the speeches of the grandparents of the initiates.

The Klimaatcoalitie schat het aantal deelnemers aan de klimaatmars in Brussel zondag op zowat 30,000. The organization is based on two days between the parties of telecom partners. The Brusselse politie estimates that there were 25,000 deelnemers op de klimaatmars van de Klimaatcoalitie.

Never avenues het parcours zelf, but also disappearing tunnels erlangs zijn afgesloten, what the nodige verkeershinder zorgt. Het parcours wordt now stap for stap weer vrijgegeven for het traffic.

International climate conference

Mars is an initiation of the overcoupling climatic system, which includes environmental organisations, buildings, youth associations and civil movements. De concrete aanleiding is the international climate conference that van 6 tot 18 November Plaatsvindt in the Egyptian Sharm-el-Sheikh. The organizers aim to be true also to the national and regional overheden in our country.

“The way we are on the road is most likely to come with a lot of ambition and urgently, there are some good things to do next,” says Zanna Vanrenterghem van de Klimaatcoalitie. “Now we come right down the street where we are planning to act in the future in the energy sector around the country.”

The climatic coalescence is on the sea and heavy on the overflow of energy requirements in a house vesting and energy pact, but also a prayer for the draft on the global water system, which means that there are periods of drought and overcurrents as a result of climate change.

“The energy crisis and the climate crisis are the same,” says Vanrenterghem. “De natuur en de factuur hebben een gezamenlijke vijand: fossil fuels. Omdat we vasthangen aan fossil fuels in a heel or model, to we een speelbal van de gas- en olieprijzen. We would like to have fully renewable energy that we can use our own energy for.”
