Klazienaveners drunk with happiness because of a million-dollar blast at PostcodeLoterij

A normal Saturday morning in Klazienaveen. Until suddenly one ‘Good morningnn!’ blares through the Voeghoutenstraat. The cry comes from Gaston Starreveld’s throat. In his hand a fat check for 1 million euros.

Residents with a lottery ticket in the PostcodeLoterij know enough. They watch the well-known lottery ambassador drive in with his mouth open from behind the window. The realization sinks in after which the surprised looks give way to a big smile.

Their zip code 7891 LE has been selected for the Miljoenenprijs, together with nine other zip code areas in the country. The fellow sufferers may share 1 million euros together. With a handful of participants in the Voeghoutenstraat, the counter ticks about 111,000 euros per lot.

The greatest stroke of luck fell on Matthé and Anne Floor. A family of which there are many in Klazienaveen alone. They play with three lottery tickets and thus build up a wealth of wealth. Matthé has his own company so the money comes in handy. “Not normal! We’re going to let it all sink in for a while.”
