Klazienaveen industrial building ‘can be considered lost’ due to fire

In Klazienaveen today a fire raged in a business premises on Energiestraat. Several fire brigades were called to extinguish the fire. The fire was under control around four o’clock in the afternoon.

According to the Drenthe Safety Region, which includes the fire brigade, the building can be considered lost. “It concerns a commercial building: a hall with a house attached to it. Musical instruments and paper were stored in the hall,” says a spokesperson.

The flames erupted from the roof of the building, which is approximately 15 by 30 meters, at the end of the morning and beginning of the afternoon. Trees around the property also caught fire. A NL-Alert warned about the smoke. The advice was to keep windows and doors closed and to turn off ventilation. Measurements later showed that there were no increased concentrations of hazardous substances.

According to the spokesperson, the warm weather made extinguishing the fire extra difficult for the firefighters. “The physical strain is quite heavy, it is 29 degrees and people are really suffering from it.”

Nothing is yet known about the cause of the fire. Fire residues were found in the vicinity of the fire. Adjacent buildings were spared. There is smoke and water damage.

No one was injured.
