Klanten as a levend shield at the large overval in Braziliaans Winkelcentrum | Buitenland

A corner center in the Braziliaanse city of Rio de Janeiro was given the decoration of a large shell overval, where clants are registered and a watchman is documented. A Dutch tourist net in the city has arrived, will be wildly organized by a wild west shooting party. “I’ve seen soiets nog nooit in Europe.”

The brute overval in the Village Mall, a luxury corner center in the west of the city, had more than one actiefilm. Twice criminals were warned on the motorbikes and attacked with a hoop heisa het building. Ze schreeuwden dat het om een ​​overval went en helden two clans as winkelmedewerkers onder schot. Sommigen zelfs are used as levend shield zodat de overvallers zonder ingrijpen van de politie een jeweler konden plunderen.

Tientallen pods

Volgens verschillende Braziliaanse media, which spraken met ooggetuigen, will be solved tientallen pods tussen de overvallers en politieagenten. A 49-year-old guard was shot in two places in the past. Also zou een van de overvallers op straat zijn doodschoten door de politie. Various other raakten wond. In the Winkelcentrum what he said from large panes, blijkt uit ooggetuigenverklaringen.

“We were in a corner vlak by the jeweller, toen de verkoopster ineens hard way. Zegon te schreeuwen dat he schot a lot, toen we also go away. We had a secure way to go to a new building,” says Luiza tegen Braziliaanse media. “I’ve heard a lot of pods. I was in the Apple Store, same with another group. We kept an eye on more information about what’s going on around here,” says another statement about the situation. Another clant is declared in a different area. “I stop me now in a restaurant.”

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Dutch dude

For het van de camera reageerde een Nederlandse Toerist zichtbar aangeslagen. “That was my first day in Brazilië. I was afraid”, aldus de man, who said Ricardo. ‘I’ve seen zoiets nog nooit in Europe.’ Due to the Brazilian political situation, the overvallers ervandoor met a certain number of jewels in Sieraden. Tijdens one vlucht stalen ze nog a motor van a clant van het Winkelcentrum. ‘I went to build around mezelf in veiligheid te brengen. I would like to say that my motor had been used,” says the owner of the motor. “He was veel pods, mensen renden, sommige mensen are gegijzeld. We were really scared. The first thing we could do was come over. It was a very intense moment.”

Village Mall is a luxury corner center in Barra da Tijuca, a popular area in the west of Rio de Janeiro. De Zaak, geopending in December 2012, heeft sea dan 90 angles, Waaron Internationale noted a large name in the national retail trade. In a declaration, the order of Village Mall de Beurtenissen is overseen. “Het Winkelcentrum laat weten samen te works met de bevoegde authoriteiten om de feiten op te helderen.”

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