Klaas Otto gives Rachel Hazes a kick: ‘Look at those love birds!’

After his two-week relationship with Rachel Hazes, Klaas Otto cannot respect her enough to keep a low profile. He immediately posts pictures in love with his ‘new’ girlfriend.

© NPO, Instagram

It’s pretty sour for Rachel Hazes. After being Klaas Otto’s ‘girl’ for two weeks – they have even given an interview together – she has now been put aside. He has returned to the arms of his ex-girlfriend Gracia Kraus, whom professional widow Rachel previously described as an ‘old speed junkie’.

love birds

As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough for Rachel, Klaas now gives her exactly the same treatment as her son André Hazes Jr. who gave Monique Westenberg. André had only just broken off his engagement to ‘Mo’ when he started posting all kinds of pictures in love with Sarah van Soelen from early in the morning until late at night.

And Klaas is now doing that too. Yesterday, the day his breakup with Rachel became official, he posted a picture in love with Gracia in his Instagram stories. “We, Klaas and Gracia, today at RKC Waalwijk and FC Utrecht.”

“Look at them, the love birds!” notes Juice Channel. And FawryNotSawry: “I keep finding this such a crazy thing.”

“Rachel = Monique!”

Hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer states that Rachel is just the elderly version of Monique. “When he is back at Gracia, Klaas looks like André and Graaz is Monique and then Ras is actually a kind of Sarasoul ?.”

Rachel does not have much support for André, because he is on holiday to the United States again. He flies there about every weekend, partly to make recordings for his new documentary series.

Rachel’s response

Rachel has since given an official response. “Being in love is a wonderful feeling. Usually short-lived. That is why loving is something completely different, it takes more time. Klaas and I really had a great time. Unfortunately, external factors, with the emphasis on ex, have ensured that we have decided in good consultation to split up as good friends.”

“I cherish the good time I had with him, children and the mother of his children. You shouldn’t dwell on it too long. A restless night’s sleep and return to the order of the day. My life is too nice and beautiful for that. With the sweet and nice people around me with whom I have a lot of fun.”

Order of the day

Rachel just picks up her old life again. “It’s a shame it turned out this way. He will always be special to me and no hard feelings towards him. I wish him all the luck in the future.”

Where Klaas has now removed all his photos with Rachel, she still has them online:
