Kittens dumped at animal shelter Oostzaan: “Scared and traumatized”

In a short time, several kittens were dumped at the animal shelter in Oostzaan. Sleepy, Abu, Aladdin and Peanut were all left behind, while some were only a few weeks old. “Fortunately, they are now safe with us and they get all the care and attention they need.”

Animal shelter Oostzaan

The Oostzaan animal shelter posted the cat’s message on Facebook yesterday. They say they are shocked by all the cats that have been left behind. Vigilance is important, they say. “With this heat, dumping is really very dangerous and we hope that the numbers do not continue to increase.”

Also kittens

Among the cats are a few big youngsters. The shelter is certain that two cats have been abandoned. They do not have enough certainty and information about the third to speak of a dumping. “We get the cats from the animal ambulance. They pick up the report and drive to the place to pick them up. The information with this cat was very brief,” says Rob Vermeer of animal shelter Oostzaan.

A 4.5 month old kitten named Abu was left in a cage with food and found by a police officer at the Dapperstraat in East Amsterdam. Alladin is less than eight weeks old and was brought by a driver from a taxi company that transports animals. There is not much information, but it is expected that this is also a dumping.

Peanut, a young adult male, was also discharged by the owner who had taken over the cat from the previous owner. He was no longer able to care for the cat. Nevertheless, the animal was discharged at the old owner, where the cat was picked up by the animal ambulance.

“The kitten was placed in a travel basket under the A10”

Rob Vermeer, animal ambulance employee Oostzaan

Last week the last kitten came in, who is called Sleepy. The kitten was placed in a carrier under the A10. Fortunately, the animal is doing well, according to the shelter. “He eats well, is very cuddly, but still scared and traumatized. “Vermeer says that Sleepy is very afraid of new things, such as sounds, smells and light.

“They are all young, very sweet and just want a good home,” says the shelter. In addition, the shelter points out alertness. “We hope everyone pays close attention, because in principle it can happen anywhere.”

“People are very sensitive to this and have a lot of empathy for these cases”

Rob Vermeer, animal ambulance employee Oostzaan

Vermeer says that with these kinds of stories there is always a lot of interest in taking care of the cats. “People are very sensitive to this and have a lot of empathy for these cases.”
