Kiti Kokkonen suffered from special symptoms – The cause was only found out weeks later

Actress Kiti Kokkonen tells about a special trouble on Instagram, which continued for weeks.

Kiti Kokkonen says that she has lost her sense of smell. Jenni Gästgivar

Actor Kiti Kokkonen says on Instagram that he has been suffering from special symptoms for many weeks, the cause of which has been sought. Kokkonen momentarily lost his normal sense of smell.

– I have had an olfactory hallucination for five weeks, he reveals in a social media video.

Kokkose’s symptoms started in the aftermath of a common cold.

– One evening I was cooking and it smelled so awful that I thought it was spoiled. The next day the same thing happened, but the rest of the family said that the food tasted and smelled really good. On the third day, I could no longer distinguish any scents. Everything smelled the same. From terrible industrial smoke. Perfumes, lemon, mint, vanilla… everything. I could distinguish the taste of sugar and salt, but otherwise everything tasted like the same industrial smoke. The smell and taste were completely new, something I couldn’t associate with anything, the actor describes in his publication.

According to the star, the first week with the symptoms was scary.

– I thought I was done and of course I had time to think about anything and everything. Fortunately, all serious issues were ruled out right from the start, but the cause was searched for five weeks.

Eating and being in public places became oppressive because of the smells. At that time, he mostly liked rice and light bread. Kokkonen says in his publication that he wants to offer peer support with the issue, because he wondered how he felt for a long time.

You can see the publication below or from here.

An explanation for the symptoms

Fortunately, a reasonable explanation was finally found for the symptoms. Kokkonen had never heard of olfactory hallucination before.

– The x-rays didn’t find anything, but the slice imaging of the cavities revealed that the inflammation from the flu has been left behind and all the ducts are so blocked that some of the smell receptors are in shock there. Now there is reason to hope that the right smells and tastes will be restored in the near future, and here you can find peer support if you ever encounter such a peculiarity, he writes in his publication.

– This is said to be common. It’s nothing serious, he says in a social media video and says that he has started medication, with which he hopes his sense of smell will return to normal.

In the video, he tastes a hamburger and French fries, but still doesn’t like those favorite foods because of the olfactory hallucination.

– The French still don’t like it, he says in the video.

– I’ve been craving this for over five weeks. Smells a hint of not good yet, he says about the hamburger.

What crime would Kiti Kokkonen be arrested for? Krisse Salminen and Kiti Kokkonen in an interview with Iltalehti in 2022. Jenni Gästgivar
