Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons got married

S.They have been husband and wife in several film productions (including last year’s Oscar-winning film The Power of the Dog). But now Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons yes. I am married for real. And without cameras.

They received their first Oscar nomination with The Power of the Dog

The two met on the set of the series Fargo in 2015 and only two years later their engagement was announced official. The actors have two sons: Ennis Howard (four years) and James Robert (one year).

Among their latest works together also The Power of the Dog (in Italy The power of the dog), a film released last year thanks to which both received their first Oscar nomination 2022.

The wedding in the luxury resort loved by Ian Fleming

The spokesperson for the American actress with German citizenship – who she had once been engaged to Jake Gyllenhaal and then with Garrett Hedlund – confirmed that the marriage actually took place.

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I can only confirm that they got married. No other details will be given, ”he told PageSix. According to the famous US entertainment site, however, the two were to get married in Jamaica, in the luxurious resort GoldenEye by Ocho Rios.

It is about a special place: it is in this famous resort that Ian Fleming has written all the books of 007. A place that guarantees the ultimate in relaxation and privacybetween private beaches and bays with white sand.

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons Credit: Ansa

The couple’s films

After their performance in Fargo (where they played a married couple), Kirsten Dunst And Jesse Plemons they have also worked together on other occasions. Dunst appeared for a brief cameo in USS Callisterthe first episode of the fourth season of Black Mirrorwhere Plemons played Captain Robert Daly. But also in Drunk Historywhere the actress took on the role of Agatha Christie.

The actress – star of Jumanji and Mary Jane Watson in Spider Man – he had told a while ago LA Times: “We are already called husband and wife.” And she had confessed that her second pregnancy had effectively put the idea of ​​marriage on hold.

What will there be in the couple’s working future? Kirsten Dunst will be in the cast of Civil Waraction movie by Alex Garland. Jesse Plemonsinstead, it will be alongside Leonardo Dicaprio in Martin Scorsese’s film, Killers of the Flower Moon. But also in the detective miniseries with Elizabeth Olsen, Love and Death.

