Kirsi went blind when playing with her brother ended in disaster – Now she gets a new eye

Kirsi has been satisfied with her new eye prosthesis.

Kirsi became blind as a child. Saku Tiainen

From Espoo Soil frost, 52, tells Ylen’s Elossa 24h program about how he once lost his eye. He was 7 years old at the time.

– I had an eye accident when we were playing with my brother. We shot with an iron headed arrow, and my brother happened to be there To Wilhelm Tell family, then that iron-headed arrow hit my eye and then I lost my sight, Kirsi says.

When Kirsi was ten, she got an eye prosthesis.

– Then it was forcibly attached to the head and taken away. I drilled it the whole trip and it was terrible. Yes, it can be said that it has been a traumatic event.

A couple of months ago, Kirsi received the second prosthetic eye in her life, which is made in a completely new way. Ocularist Laura Frost tells about his modern way of making eye prostheses in the program.

– In the past, the manufacturing style in Finland has been that ready-made wax blanks are modified to suit the customer. Now an impression is taken of the customer’s eye socket, so that the fit and mobility of the prosthesis is the best possible.

Kirsi has been satisfied with her new eye prosthesis. Saku Tiainen

Ruuta announces the importance of a good eye prosthesis for a person.

– By getting a prosthesis, the customer gets that piece of themselves back, says Routa.

Kirsi has been satisfied with her new prosthesis.

– The overriding feeling is probably gratitude. 42 years ago, the first one was made, and now a new one was made.

The 7th season of the Elossa 24h series can be seen on Yle TV1 from 3 to 9 April. at 8 p.m. and at Yle Areena on April 3. from You can find all program information at Telku.
