Kirill Kaprizov tried to leave Russia

Kirill Kaprizov’s situation took new turns.

The Minnesota Wild are concerned about their best point man, Kirill Kaprizov. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

The Russian star of the Minnesota Wild Kirill Kaprizov has found himself in an unclear situation, about which new information has been revealed.

Wild reporter for The Athletic Michael Russo says that Kaprizov has twice tried to get from Russia to the United States, but the authorities have stopped him from traveling. The first time, the player tried to get behind the rapako through Dubai, and the second time, the intermediate stop on the route was the Bahamas.

Both times, however, entry to the United States was denied. Russo thinks it’s a visa issue on the destination side. Kaprizov signed a five-year contract with the Wild last summer, but like many Europeans, he played the season without an actual work permit in accordance with the current corona regulations in the country.

It has been suggested in the Russian media that Kaprizov’s desire to leave Russia in the middle of the ice hockey players’ summer vacation season is related to the expired – and fake – military passport that he would have bought in 2017. Because of this, he is now wanted for the service of the Russian army. The player’s father has denied the information that appeared in the newspapers.

Fedotov to the Kola Peninsula

The athletes’ commands came to the fore when the goalkeeper signed a contract with the Philadelphia Flyers Ivan Fedotov was arrested for outstanding military service last week. It has reportedly been decided to place the goalkeeper in Severomorsk near Murmansk.

Now the Wild camp is worried that Kaprizov will also experience the same fate and become a pawn in the geopolitical drama.

– It is scary. It’s scary for all of us, commanding Wild Dean Evason says about Kaprizov’s situation to The Athletic.
