Kiran Badloe misses World Cup foil due to elbow injury: ‘Timing is very unfortunate’ | Other sports

Kiran Badloe (28) is missing from the foil surfing World Cup in Brest, France, which starts on Friday. Badloe, who won Olympic gold in the RSX class in Tokyo a year ago, is injured. He has a tendon overload in his elbow. ,,I don’t want it to get worse than it is and that is 100 percent the case when I start. I don’t want to risk that.”

According to Badloe there is ‘not too much going on’, he can train, as long as he does not load his elbow more than sixty percent, it goes well. “But when I cross the border it hurts, it hurts me for days.” The injury started last month. ,,In terms of timing, it’s very unfortunate, that’s a shame.”

Badloe, together with a number of other Dutch foilers, is engaged in a battle for an Olympic ticket that will be available for the Netherlands at the Paris Games in two years’ time. The qualification process of the Dutch association will start next year, at the World Cup. Badloe: ,,If you look at the longer term, this is less important, despite the fact that it is now a World Cup. Next year is crucial for me. That weighs more. Now I prefer to recover as quickly as possible.”


The fact that I can’t check how I’m doing at the World Cup now is sour

Kiran Badloe

The Olympic champion is catching up with his competitors who did not participate in the Tokyo Games and therefore have more experience on the foil, the new Olympic class. ,,Last year I was searching, but a lot of progress came in the summer. I notice that it is getting better, whether I have closed the gap completely, I do not know, but I know that I am now good enough to compete in the front. It’s so sad that I can’t check how I’m doing at the World Cup now.”

Badloe has traveled to Brest and will play a role there next week as the third Dutch coach on the water. ,,That way I can help, which gives the team a nice feeling.” But above all, it gives him a view of the competition. “I can see if there are new developments, if someone has a different technique, or if they are going exceptionally fast.”
