Kira has been drawn to eat food or medicine

Kira gets a weekly budget of 830 euros. His exchange pair is allowed to make 52 euros.

Kira Kulmala exchanges home with magician Aatu Itkonen. Four

In the upcoming Wealthy and Penniless period, magicians from Tampere will change their homes and weekly budgets Aatu Itkonen19, and a part – time student Kira Kulmala19.

Aatu has been learning magic tricks with determination since she was a child and at the age of 13 she has already received money from them.

– Work means everything. It’s practically my whole life. Life and everyday life revolves around its work. I have always been an author and it has been difficult to be in place, Aatu describes herself.

Aatu also performs as a speaker and presenter.

Kira’s work situation has not been as favorable. Kira is studying to be a merchant and works with a zero contract in the restaurant industry. As the name implies, it can mean that there are around zero hours of work a month – especially during the uncertain Korona period.

Kira will have access to Aatu’s weekly budget of 830 euros. Aatu will receive 52 euros in exchange, which will have to cope with the week’s expenses.

– I have mental health problems, bipolar disorder. Medicines are good for me. They equalize but cost a lot. I have had a situation where I have been forced to stop taking medications so that I can seek food.

– If you had to choose, would you rather eat medicine and be healthy or would you eat – which one would you choose? Kira challenges.

With her more plush weekly budget, Kira realizes her long-held dream: she takes a cover photo over her old tattoo. This pleasure costs 350 euros.

Kira, who takes care of her loved ones, makes sure that her siblings also get something.

Rich and penniless on Thursdays at 8pm at Nelonen.

See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
