Kings League – Jijantes FC dismisses Marc Carmona as manager

05/09/2023 at 21:02


Marc Carmona, who led the team throughout the first split, will not continue on the bench

Gerard Romero’s team debuted with a defeat against 1K Futbol Club (5-3)

Last Sunday the second ‘split’ of the Kings League started at the Cupra Arena, with some novelties such as the broadcast of one of the matches on Mediaset. A vibrant day that placed Ultimate Móstoles as the leader, after their win against Saiyans (6-2).

In the case of Jijantes FC, the hangover from the opening day has led to a significant change, as the club communicated Marc Carmona’s loss as coach, who led the team throughout the first round of the competition. “We appreciate the coach’s work throughout this time with us. Of course, we will continue to count on him on the channel with his football ratings,” published the team led by Gerard Romero in a message on their social networks.

At the start of the second ‘split’, Jijantes debuted with defeat (5-3) against 1K Futbol Club of Iker Casillas. David the ‘Shark’ Barral opened the account for 1K but Ibai Gómez equalized the contest. Ricardo played outfield player to put his team ahead again, although David López got the tie again. Borja Fernández, in the second half, ‘killed’ the game with a 5-3.
