King’s Cup | Arrasate: “We have incidents on how to beat Madrid. We will make the game uncomfortable for him”

05/05/2023 at 18:20


The Osasunista coach confesses that “the squad is a family and it has been a very normal week”

Jagoba Arrasate appeared in a packed press room in La Cartuja when the heat was intense in Seville. The Osasuna coach started by confirming that “we are calm and with a lot of desire. You can already see the importance of tomorrow’s game from how this press room is. We must face it naturally. We have a staff that is a family and it has been a very normal week. We are focused on the fact that we have to give the best version. If we achieve it, it will be a difficult match for Real Madrid.”

Madrid and its virtues

About the rival, who they haven’t beaten since 2011, the coach declared that despite being a final “we face it as one more party. We have clues on how to win real Madrid. We know their virtues and we have to make them not comfortable. We can’t let it be an open game and they have spaces.”

Regarding his chances of winning in a long game, it must be remembered that Osasuna has played four overtimes in this Cup, Jagoba was blunt: “They talk about it as if it were very easy, but It is very difficult to play a long game against Real Madrid. You have to do many things well. We cannot make mistakes. We must set the bar high and let Madrid be the one to exceed it. So if we lose we will end up sad, but satisfied with what we have given on the pitch. That’s the way to win.”

more than eleven

Jagoba is clear about the eleven, but also that “it is impossible to beat Madrid with eleven players. We need those who come off the bench and those who are outside supporting and assuming their role.”. The Biscayan believes that “we have more than analyzed ourselves. I think that rather than looking for surprises we must give our best version. Football belongs to the players and what happens is what happens on the green.”
