‘King Willem-Alexander is fed up with royal bond with Gordon’

It will undoubtedly be a thorn in the side of King Willem-Alexander that Prince Bernhard Jr. has shown himself so emphatically in Gordon’s company, says Evert Santegoeds.

© Martin Beekman, Instagram

Gordon announced quite dramatically last month that he would travel to the Netherlands to process his terrible love suffering, but when he fell through the basket due to revelations from his ex-fiancee Gavin Rozario, the TV millionaire quickly took off. He reported extensively on Instagram about a private flight with Prince Bernhard Jr. and DJ Don Diablo.

Eye thorn

Their destination was Baku, where the F1 circus had settled. Gordon came from the private jet with all kinds of festive films, in which he hung around Bernhard’s neck.

What does King Willem-Alexander think of his cousin being in this company? Not great, thinks sensation sultan Evert Santegoeds. He says in the podcast Strictly Private: “That will be a thorn in his side, but I think he does little about it.”

‘Does not intervene’

Evert states that the king does not intervene so quickly. And certainly not about Countess Eloise appearing on television in a bathing suit. “Willem-Alexander wants as small a royal family as possible. And yes, he has got nephews and nieces, but in general they have to do what they want to do.”

The magazine maker continues: “And then you also see that he does not intervene at all in that image of Prince Bernhard who goes on holiday with Gordon.”

Maxima in bathing suit

Evert doesn’t really understand that whole bathing suit row. “We saw pictures of Méxima in bathing suits for years, until the media code threw sand into the machine. So yeah, I didn’t quite understand what that was about either. But yes, we think that Eloise is not a member of the Royal House and should cap her own boats. She does that and then you don’t have to complain.”

Yesterday it was announced that Princess Ariane will study in Italy. “Yes, then she can also walk around in a bathing suit, because the weather is always beautiful there. Grandma’s house is also empty most of the year. So it is fine again.”

On a boat

Gordon and Bernhard have also been on a boat:
