King will celebrate King’s Day with family next year in Emmen

King’s Day will be celebrated in Emmen next year. On Saturday 27 April, King Willem-Alexander and his family will come to Drenthe to celebrate his 57th birthday. That has just been announced. This year the Royal Family celebrated King’s Day in Rotterdam.

“I am very pleased that the king has responded positively to the invitation from the king’s commissioner Jetta Klijnsma and me to celebrate his birthday with his family and members of the royal family in our municipality next year,” said Mayor Eric van Oosterhout van Emmen know.

King’s Commissioner Jetta Klijnsma is delighted. “In the coming months we will all look at how we are going to decorate this King’s Day. In any case, we are going to have a great party, for and with all the residents of Emmen, and far beyond. The mayor and I are already looking forward to it out.”
