King in Maastricht: ‘Wonderful reception’ | 1Limburg

King Willem-Alexander has arrived in Maastricht to celebrate his birthday. “Finally, beautiful weather and a wonderful reception.”

“Have you arranged the sun?” the royal couple asks the L1 reporter. “Perfect!”

The royal family is happy that they can celebrate an old-fashioned King’s Day in Maastricht again. Prince Maurits, “Great, after two years. We missed it. We go into the city with open expectations and then it can only get even more beautiful.”

Prince Bernhard junior and his wife Princess Annette are also happy to be in the provincial capital. “We hope for a lot of fun and lovely people. We like to be surprised. We were already here a week and a half ago to enjoy the area.”

Hands and boxing
The king will be congratulated by the public on arrival in Maastricht on Wednesday by means of a box. “That’s easier”, the king decides after shaking some people’s hands first.

Long will he live
The relatives of the king, who will be celebrating his 55th birthday on Wednesday, take pictures and shake hands with the public. The king is also sung several times with ‘Long shall he live’.

On arrival Willem-Alexander was addressed by the mayor of Maastricht Annemarie Penn-te Strake, who first of all congratulated him on his birthday. When the number ’55’ fell, the king laughed slightly uncomfortably. “It’s not fun,” said 68-year-old Penn-te Strake with a laugh.
