King Filip expresses his “enormous anger” towards Russia during speech in Romania | Inland

King Philippe will visit the Belgian troops in Romania today/Friday. A bilateral meeting with the Romanian President also took place. King Philippe, Commander-in-Chief of the army, makes the one-day trip to thank the Belgian military for services rendered and to emphasize the importance of military cooperation under NATO flag. Their assignment in Romania is coming to an end. During a short speech, the Belgian monarch stated that he felt “extremely furious” at the Russian aggression.

In Constanta, Romania, a ceremonial reception took place at the military airport. The king, together with the Romanian head of state, President Klaus Iohannis, greeted the troops. The two national anthems were heard just before the two heads of state withdrew for a bilateral meeting.

A statement was issued afterwards. The Romanian president thanked the Belgians for “significant support for the NATO presence in Romania”.

In a short speech, King Philippe stated that he felt “enormous anger”. “Because a sovereign state has been brutally attacked, before our very eyes, in an obvious violation of international law. For the first time in decades, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has caused immeasurable suffering to an innocent population in Europe. Weapons have killed and plunged our continent into war.”

King Philippe also expressed his pride in European unity and NATO’s rapid response. He expressed his support to a delegation of the international (British, French, Italian, Romanian and Belgian) troops in Constanta.

Finally, the king expressed his hope that the fighting may soon end and “that we can rebuild a free and prosperous Ukraine. Our values ​​will triumph: democracy, freedom, solidarity and respect for human rights.”
