King Filip addresses president on state visit to Lithuania and assures Ukraine of Belgian solidarity in conflict with Russia | Abroad

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde arrived in Lithuania today for a three-day state visit to the Baltic state. The king addressed Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda and assured Ukraine in his speech of Belgium’s solidarity in the Russian conflict.

“The Russian aggression against Ukraine has brought us into a new era. An era that reminds us of the darkest pages of the history of our continent”, said our king. “I can only imagine that it also brings back painful memories in Lithuania. I would like to reiterate our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and their legitimate right to the integrity of their territory. This reckless conflict, deliberately targeting civilians, has already caused too much suffering right on our doorstep. It also puts pressure on Europe and the rest of the world, especially low-income countries, for which basic goods are becoming increasingly unaffordable.”

The Belgian royal couple was received with the red carpet just after 1 pm (local time) at the international airport of the capital Vilnius. An hour later, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde were also officially welcomed with a solemn ceremony at the presidential palace. The Belgian royal couple were greeted by a Lithuanian delegation, led by President Gitanas Nauseda and his wife Diana Nausediene. When they arrived, the Belgian national anthem was played first and then the Lithuanian national anthem.

Until Wednesday, the Belgian delegation will complete a busy program in Lithuania. A whole range of economic, political, cultural and academic institutions will be visited during the state visit, which will mark the centenary of diplomatic relations between Belgium and Lithuania.

Due to the war in Ukraine, military solidarity with Lithuania will also play a role. For example, the king will visit the Belgian soldiers in Lithuania on Wednesday.
