King Charles unexpectedly canceled a meeting with the Prime Minister

King Charles doesn’t even meet the Prime Minister.

Buckingham Palace announced earlier this week that King Charles is suffering from cancer. As a result, Charles, 75, canceled his public events, but he was supposed to work in his office.

Charles was supposed to meet the country’s prime minister Rishi Sunak at Buckingham Palace for a weekly meeting. Also Charles’ mother the Queen Elizabeth met weekly with the then Prime Minister of the country.

The plans include Sky News the change that came with it. Charles and Sunak do not even meet face to face, but the meeting is handled by phone.

Charles’ cancer treatments have already started. PDO

– We have agreed with the palace that in this particular case they will talk by phone, the spokesman says.

He did not specify whether it is a one-time or a more permanent solution during the king’s treatments.

The meeting discusses government matters, but the established practice is that the ruler remains neutral. However, if necessary, the ruler can advise the prime minister.

Rishi Sunak has an extraordinary phone conversation with Charles. PDO
