King Charles III wants a low cost Coronation his Coronation (perhaps already on June 3), King Charles III does not want a ceremony like the one that consecrated the ascension to the throne of his mother Elizabeth, in 1953. For the new sovereign, and the queen consort Camilla, it will be a shorter and simplified event, in line with the modernization of the monarchy he so desired. But Carlo did not expect to have to deal with his subjects, who are already protesting loudly.

What ruler will Charles III be?  The opinion of a historian

Does King Charles III clash with the government?

The new monarch has already made plans with his collaborators, including his friend the Duke of Norfolk, to reduce the length of the traditional ceremony – four hours originally – to just one hour. L’Operation “Golden Orb”as the organization of the event is called, referring to the golden globe that is placed in the hands of the monarch, also includes substantial cuts to the number of guests, from 8 thousand (those of Elizabeth) to a few hundred.

Yes to the golden carriage, no to the gold bar

Charles and Camilla will arrive in Westminster Abbey with the golden carriage of the great occasions, but several ancient rituals and traditional garments, such as the presentation of gold to the monarch, jewels and ermine furs will be eliminated. And to complete the sober and stripped-down event, guests will be able to wear evening and non-formal dresses.

Carlo and Camilla in Westminster in 2015 (Getty Images)

The Coronation will be good for the national economy

Thus Carlo hopes not to offend his subjects, in times of severe economic crisis. But politicians and pundits from the world of British industry and finance immediately opposed: a muted Coronation, they say, without the pomp that so much appeals to fans of the British monarchy around the world, would be a missed opportunity to restore the British reputation abroad and promote the Made in the UK on a global platform.

The soft power of the monarchy

Queen Elizabeth’s recent funeral attracted millions of tourists to London and increased revenues in various economic sectors. This demonstrates the undoubted strength of the soft power (the soft power) of the monarchy and the extraordinary effect it manages to have on national finances even during annual events such as the Trooping The Color or the occasional ones Royal Weddingwhen the whole world ends up huddling around the Royal Family and the British.

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But does Carlo have second thoughts?

Her coronation, like that of her mother Elizabeth, is destined to be followed by millions of viewers worldwide. And even if Charles wants to give further proof of his seriousness in creating a modern and streamlined monarchy even in its most important rituals, perhaps he will be forced to reconsider. In this case, the low cost so desired by him could, in reality, damage the whole country.

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