Kimi Räikkönen published a cute wedding photo

Kimi and Minttu Räikkönen celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary today.

Kimi and Minttu Räikkönen met each other in 2013. Antti Nikkanen

Formula star Kimi Räikkönen and his wife Minttu Räikkönen are celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary. Kimi posted a sweet picture of the couple together on her Instagram account.

In the picture, the married couple are standing in their dark clothes, holding each other and looking into each other’s eyes.

– Time has passed quickly, it has been very wonderful and the best thing is that we still have many years together ahead of us. I love you, Kimi Räikkönen writes in the caption of the joint photo.

The picture has gathered more than 70,000 likes in an instant. Several Räikkönen fans congratulate the couple on their anniversary.

Mintu’s Instagram account shows that the couple is spending time with their children in a luxury hotel called Bürgenstock Resort in Switzerland.

The couple met in 2013 and got married in 2016.

Räikkönen’s family includes two children: Robin7, and Rianna, 5. The family currently lives in Switzerland.

Minttu told Me naiset magazine in October 2021 that marrying Kimi also brought publicity to her life. So he has had to make some changes.

– The Minttu that I am inside and that friends and family can see has remained exactly the same. In some matters, I am forced to act differently than in my life before Kim, but my nature has not changed, Minttu states in Me Nais.

Minttu Räikkönen at a promotional event for the coffee brand in 2019.
