Kim ‘xxx’ Holland not happy with new name Twitter: ‘I don’t say X’

Kim Holland, known for all her XXX activities, is not happy with Twitter’s new name. She apparently thinks that X is too close to her own trademark. “I refuse!”


It bothers Kim Holland immensely that Twitter was renamed to New Revu. “Too bad about the change. I liked that blue bird so much, it also typified the chatter on Twitter a bit.”

Wet Sunday

Kim really doesn’t like X at all. “I don’t like that black and white X at all. The playful, friendly aspect is somewhat lost. It’s all gotten a bit darker. The medium really suits me.”

She has decided never to say X, but to just keep calling it Twitter. “I will continue to consistently call it Twitter. I occasionally post 18+ content, I share my opinion and I tell things about the coaching I do. Sometimes I wish people a nice good morning or a wet Sunday. I wish that for Elon Musk too, haha.”

Giel also angry

Giel Beelen is also done with all those decisions made by X boss Elon Musk. “I haven’t tweeted since the beginning of this year. We become angrier, more afraid, more jealous and dissatisfied because of social media. Cynically, that is exactly the intention, because these kinds of feelings actually make you spend more time on the platforms.”

That’s why he pretty much stopped doing it himself. “I try to connect with real people. And certainly on Twitter or X it is very much man, woman, climate denier, woke, meat eater, vegan, gay, left, right. That is a form of dehumanization, of dehumanization.”

Evil has been done

It’s not that Giel really blocks it completely. “Sometimes it remains funny and interesting to read. As long as you realize that these are the loudest ones and therefore do not reflect reality at all.”

He concludes: “I don’t think Elon Musk’s influence is necessarily bad. He does what he can, but the damage has already been done. And hey, if you take over a (fake) dog for a lot of money, I would also give it a different name.”
