Kim-Lian van der Meij presents Looking forward to tomorrow: ‘Spirituality is no longer as hocus pocus as it used to be’ | show

From sleeping outside under the stars to a so-called power heart ceremony: there are many ways to search for the meaning of life these days. In the program Looking forward to tomorrow, presenters Thomas Cammaert, Sosha Duysker and Kim-Lian van der Meij dive into the wonderful world of spirituality. “The more you show things, the more normal it becomes.”

Looking forward to tomorrow starts again on Saturday. What are we going to see?

“There are thousands of ways to find your true self or to work on inspiration these days. In the new series, each episode discusses two or three topics, one of which is always ‘undergoing’ by a presenter. Then you should think, for example, of ceremonies or rituals in which we participate. We do this to experience what it is like and how it feels, so that we can explain it to the viewer. It is really very inspiring to see and do.”

There are thousands of ways, you say. What should I think about then?

,,Well, recently I did a power heart ceremony, with the aim of living more from your heart instead of your head. During that ceremony you go on a ‘heart journey’ through meditation. Under supervision, yes. What’s in your heart? You must feel that. During the meditation you hold a ceramic heart, which you then have to smash. Then glue the shards back together. It is actually just like in real life: everyone has dents or shards in his or her heart. And what I’ve also done is sleep outside. Then not in a tent, but really in the forest under the starry sky. Or is it crawling with critters? That fear eventually disappears. It was truly a magical experience.”

Why do you think it’s important to show this?

“The word spirituality often has the word floaty attached to it. But actually I have discovered that the people who are involved in this are very earthly oriented, they are in the here and now and are not too much in their heads. Of course you will always have people who have prejudices. But it’s not my mission to “convert” people into doing this. I want to show what is possible. And the more you show things, the more common it becomes. Hopefully, the stigma of that floaty will disappear.”


The ratings hit B&B full of love was full of spirituality. Has that had a positive effect?

,,I also followed it and I must say: I felt like-minded with candidates like Walter and Joy. People further away from it might snigger at certain things, but I think everyone can get something out of it that’s interesting or that gives you different insights. What I especially want is awareness create, that more and more people see it and that spirituality becomes an ever wider concept. It is no longer as ‘hocus pocus’ as it used to be thought and you also see that more and more people share that it has a positive effect on their lives. And yes, of course I hope that that piece of understanding also contributes to the growth of the program.”

People further away from it might snicker at certain things

Are you a bit spiritual yourself?

,,Well actually yes. Five years ago I emigrated to Sweden and what has greatly contributed to my ‘spiritual awareness’ is walking in nature. That calmed me down. I got space in my head and came to myself. And when there is space in your head, creative ideas arise. Then corona came and I had a lot of time left, so I started learning to meditate. So that I could embrace the peace I had then. I try to do that every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes. And I took a tarot course to read cards. I also find crystals magical. I put them on my bedside table or carry one in my pocket for support. That just feels really good.”


Looking forward to tomorrow, from September 9 at 6.46 pm on KRO-NCRV

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