Kim Kardashian reveals what part of her body she hates

Kim Kardashian is a beauty icon, but she also has her insecurities.

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian talks openly about her appearance in a recent Allurein an interview with the magazine.

Kardashian, 41, is known as one of today’s beauty icons. Her trademarks are a curvy body and a narrow face. Many believe that Kardashian has improved her body and face with various beauty procedures.

Allure’s interview focuses on her face, and she admits that she only had one procedure done: Botox on her forehead. The reporter asks if Kardashian has had fillers in her lips or cheeks.

Kardashian has been seen as a blonde lately. a.o.p

– No fillers, never in either, he answers.

Kardashian says she puts a lot of effort into her appearance.

– I really care about looking good. I certainly care more than 90 percent of the other people on the planet. It’s not easy, I’m a mother and I’m completely exhausted after every day and I’m studying, she says, referring to her law studies.

– I usually do my beauty treatments late at night. When everyone else is sleeping, I do laser treatments.

Hates his hands

Although Kardashian is famously not shy about showing off her body in public, there is one part of her body she doesn’t like.

– I hate my hands. They are wrinkled and gross. But I’ve lived my life, changed many diapers and hugged my children with these hands, so I accept it.

In a previous interview, Kardashian said that she would even eat poop if it made her look young. However, he says he accepts aging.

Kardashian often posts pictures and videos of her gym workouts on social media. a.o.p

– I know the difference between having an unhealthy fear of aging. I am 41 years old. I want to look fit. It (beauty operations) can be taken too far – too many fillers, too tight, too many cosmetic procedures. Nothing is worse.

Kardashian and her famous sisters have been criticized for setting unrealistic beauty standards. The reporter asks if he feels responsible or guilty about this.

– There are many different beauty standards, be it Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Lopez or Marilyn Monroe. When I was a teenager, only skinny blondes were admired, she replies.

– I never thought that I would see people on TV or in magazines and choose who I wanted to be. I always thought of being myself and finding beauty in everything.
