Kim Kardashian introduced her personal home

Kim Kardashian’s harmonious home is full of neutral tones and space.

Kim Kardashian loves minimalist décor. AOP

Media character Kim Kardashian introduced her home and her main stuff to Vogue. The life of the star cannot be described as serene in recent times. Indeed, Kardashian, who has been through a divorce, wants the atmosphere in his home to be calm.

Kardashian bought the house from his ex-husband From Kanye West last year by $ 23 million, or just over € 20 million. The house is located in the outskirts of Calabasas, Los Angeles.

– Everything in my house is really minimalist. There is so much chaos in the world that when I get home, I want everything to really feel reassuring, Kardashian describes to Vogue.

There is no actual color show in Kardashian’s home. Neutral tones prevail in the open kitchen, and the space in the cupboard has not been compromised. The cabinets are made of light wood and the countertops are made of light marble.

In the living area, attention is stolen by a personal curved sofa.

Kardashian has a lot of art by top artists in his home – the price tags for the works haven’t been quite small. Yet other kinds of works of art mean more to him. Kardashian appreciates the paintings of his daughter North and elevates them to one of his most precious treasures.

For Kardashian, the baby books of his children are also really important.

See what Kim Kardashian’s home looks like.

When Kardashian shared pictures of his daughter’s paintings on social media last spring, a storm rose oitis. The magnificent work of art sparked a debate as to whether the North actually painted it. Kardashian defended his daughter.

Source: Vogue
