Kim Kardashian arranged a restraining order against her stalker

Kim Kardashian’s stalker was ordered to have a restraining order for five years.

Kim Kardashian’s stalker claimed they had a telepathic connection. PDO

Kim Kardashian has obtained a restraining order against the man who stalked her. Kardashian’s legal team got their request for a restraining order through on Monday in Los Angeles, when a judge ordered that the man is not allowed to approach Kardashian for the next five years.

Stalked by a Kardashian Andre Persaud due to the court’s decision, may not have any contact with Kardashian or come within a hundred yards (approx. 91 meters) of her.

TMZ’s according to the court’s decision, Persaud had visited Kardashian’s house three times in August. Kardashian said she had never met the man before. He feared the stalking could escalate into violence, especially after the man had claimed he was armed.

Persaud wasn’t content with showing off in front of Kardashian’s home. According to Kardashian’s lawyers, she has repeatedly made Kim-related updates on social media.

According to Kardashian, the man had claimed that he communicated with Kardashian telepathically. The man had also “showed growing frustration” when Kardashian had not responded to his thoughts.

Due to the restraining order, Persaud is not allowed to own or buy a gun. He must also hand over any old weapons he may have to the authorities.
