Kim Jong-un wants to make North Korea “greatest nuclear power” with new missile | Abroad

UpdateNorth Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has said his country’s main goal is to become a nuclear superpower. The leader made the statements during a meeting with the military involved in the recent launch of North Korea’s largest long-range missile, state media reported.

By investing in nuclear weapons, Jong-un wants to “reliably protect the dignity and sovereignty of the state and the people”. The ultimate goal is to become the largest strategic nuclear power in the world, the greatest power of this century.

Last Friday, Kim Jong-un attended a test of the new long-range missile ‘Hwasong-17’. The North Korean leader then said he would “counter nuclear threats” from other countries, especially the United States, “with nuclear weapons”. He also called the ‘Hwasong-17’ the “strongest strategic weapon in the world” and said the missile represents North Korea’s determination and ability to build the strongest military in the world.

The launch of North Korea’s largest long-range missile ‘Hwasong-17’ (18/11/2022). © AP

North Korean scientists have taken a “great step forward in developing the technology to place nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles,” Kim said. He didn’t elaborate on that technology or further plans.

The launch of the ‘Hwasong-17’ earlier this month prompted a summit between leaders from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the US and South Korea at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference in Bangkok . According to South Korean observers, the missile could reach New York and Washington.

The fact that the latest North Korean missiles can reach the American mainland was reason for the US to request a ruling from the UN Security Council, which has banned North Korea’s missile tests in various resolutions.

LOOK. Last weekend, images appeared for the first time of a daughter of Kim Jong-un and his wife Ri Sol-ju:
