Kim Feenstra celebrates King’s Day without pants and Emma Heesters shines in orange outfit | King’s Day 2022

King’s bytes ?Short updates from the stars on social media with King’s Day: we love it. In the special King’s Day edition of the Showbytes section, the show editors scour the web for the craziest, most beautiful and striking posts by famous Dutch people and celebrities on King’s Day. This article is updated throughout the day.

Angela Groothuizen I actually don’t know what she bought on the free market either, but it functions as a nice hat.

No King’s Day is complete without the traditional speech of Beatrix van Leer

Orange really doesn’t suit anyone, style experts always say. They clearly know Splinter Chabot not.

The same connoisseurs call the footwear of Kim Feenstra wellies just like everyone else, but mainly because she has to stop wearing them soon after today.

fashion millionaire Nikkie Plessen has never sold clothes so cheaply.

Finding Critics Show news sometimes a bit vicious program, but that can hardly be otherwise with these amounts of orange bitter at the presenter Tooske Ragas

With a drink, this version of the Wilhelmus van Organ Joke even tastier.

Heart of the Netherlands-face Evelyn was of course in a last night brown pub.

Feels like queen of the skating rink Jutta Leerdam also having a little birthday today.

Jan Versteegh honors the iconic protest singer Armand with his wig today.

Armand. © ANP

Every year we are faced with the same question: what is the best way to eat an orange tompouce? Already a tip for Claudia de Breij: remove the plastic first.

baking fanatic Miljuschka Witzenhausenwho prefers to slide in two at a time, finds it a problem for amateurs.

Thanks to these sponsored mobile toilets, you can also go to the toilet comfortably as a woman while partying. For example, standing and leaning against the door frame, such as Britt Scholte

In Amsterdam you can only buy one beer at a time today. Lucky for Roel van Velzen Friends of Amstel Live will take place in Rotterdam.

The police in the capital has very different things on their mind, because you can’t feed the pigeons on Dam Square and Miss Netherlands Julia Sinning does it anyway.

It’s not that hot on this King’s Day, but thanks to all this polyester Emma Heesters at 538 King’s Day, that sweaty festival feeling.

Maik de Boer takes it easy, with only a scarf in orange and a ditto tanning booth.

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