Killers of the flower moon with dicaprio: review, plot, release date

killers of the Flower Moon by Martin Scorsese with Robert De Niro and Leonardo Dicaprio was one of the most anticipated films of the Cannes Film Festival 2023 together with the fifth chapter of Indiana Jones. The film, which will hit theaters on October 19, is a three-and-a-half-hour story about the people of the osagea Native American tribe from Oklahoma, kissed by luck for having found in their territories the petrolium.

The black gold mine attracts the interest of whites who begin to manipulate the tribe and extort their money and goods through deceit, violence And death. An epic journey with two actors in a state of grace, based on the novel of the same name by David Grann.

Killers of the Flower Moon: the plot

The film by has been awaited for more than a year Martin Scorsese with Leonardo Dicaprio, on their sixth collaboration. We are in the years Windsin Oklahoma, in the territory of the osagea tribe of natives who got rich thanks to the luck of having found oil deposits in their territory. But the whites, out of lust for power, don’t stand by, on the contrary, they try by all means to grab that gold mine.

Killers of the Flower Moon arrives at Cannes 2023 – the teaser

Scorsese focuses on the characters of William Hale (Robert DeNiro), a wealthy benefactor who manages to win the trust of the Osage, and his nephew Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo Dicaprio), a veteran of the First World War and looking for a bit of luck and a place in the world. Completely manipulated by his uncle, Ernest marries native Indian Mollie (Lily Gladstone) to grab a piece of that fortune. But Hale he has a much broader diabolical plan, which aims to eliminate the various members of the woman’s family. In Grann’s book there is talk of about 300 natives killed.

The FBI will investigate suspicious deaths in that area. Playing Detective Tom White is Jesse Plemonswho walked the Cannes red carpet with his wife Kirsten Dunst. The last part of the film is devoted to process and a touching homage that Scorsese himself pays to the natives.

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons on the red carpet for “Killers Of The Flower Moon” at the 76th Cannes film festival on May 20, 2023. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/FilmMagic)

Killers of the Flower Moon is an epic journey through crime, mafia and American history

Three and a half hours to tell a historical tragedy through various registers. Martin Scorsese slowly leads into the most petty and inhuman psychology of the human beingpower hungry. The “puppeteer” Hale and the pawn Ernest they are two diabolical manipulators blinded by money who weave an increasingly dense web, within which their victims remain trapped.

Women are decimated one by one. Mollieplayed by a convincing Lily Gladstone, she is drugged by her husband and her mental and psychic condition undergoes a progressive decline, just like its population which loses one piece after another. His family is exterminated and that tearing condition pushes her to Washington to hire a detective.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert de Niro, Martin Scorsese in Cannes on the red carpet of “Killers Of The Flower Moon”. (IPA)

Scorsese relies on crime, al gangster moviecivil cinema and the story of the mafia to reflect on dominance of the stronger over the weaker and over minorities, over guilt and the history of America. “King”, as Hale is called by succubus nephewand that’s all to say, give to DeNiro one of the most roles enjoyable and monstrous. A few facial grimaces are enough to communicate his destructive force.

The revenge of women in the cinema of Martin Scorsese

Scorsese has often been criticized for not having given memorable female characters in his films (aside from Sharon Stone in Casino). Thanks to Mollie the director of The Irishman satisfies critics and fans by giving life to most important female character of his careerthanks also to the interpretation of Lily Gladstone, face and devastated body that personifies the tragedy in progress. A journey through the pain of a woman who represents that of an entire abused people.

