KILL FOR THE MONEY. Part 6. The robbery murder of Leopoldine. “A vault? A children’s watch and some small money, that’s all we found”

Saturday morning, May 18, 2013. Lisette De Decker tries to reach her sister Leopoldine (76). She does not answer her mobile or her landline. Lisette notifies Danny Van Dyck, one of Leopoldine’s sons. Danny calls his wife. She first sends her daughter Britney to the ground floor apartment at Lange Lobroekstraat 117, in the middle of the working-class neighborhood of Antwerp-Dam. Then she goes to see for herself. Her husband comes afterwards, about the same time as the police. The TV is still playing. They see open drawers and cupboards. And the body of Leopoldine De Decker, motionless on the ground, bound with tape on hands and wrists. And with more of that same tape wrapped around her head.
