KIJK. You don’t need to worry about overheating the brommerbattery ontploft, with a gigantic explosion and a dead death | Buitenland

Something happened in the north of England and the previous decision was made because of an enormous explosion in the house. The explosion was caused by the lithium batteries from an electrical brommer overflow that caused the opening. Camerabeelden sounds at the moment of the explosion in the gigantic vuurzee the heritage state. Vijf bewoners would like to have been brought to the Ziekenhuis. Een van hen loopt zelfs brandwonden aan de mond en luchtpijp op. Other brands are developed on the basis of the following deadlines, but when the battery is branded, everything is kept as it is. Ze promises me so soon that ontkomen bijna geen optie sea is. The equipment with lithium batteries does not have any late tijdens het opladen is dus de boodschap.

Maxim Gabriels

8 mrt. 2023

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