KIJK. Wow! Belgian paragliders are open, they are not even different | Buitenland

KIJK. Magical! The two paragliders are over the river in Friesland, and the view is in Belgium:

The 38-year-old Tom de Dorlodot is a professional paraglider. It’s never here again. Hij vloog onder me as the first ooit boven de K2, which was on the highest mountain in the world, and in the world there was no part of the Red Bull X-Alps, the most suitable paraglider race in the world. There are two rules for the highest mountain peaks in the Alps and the Himalayas.

Maar af en toe staat hij also aens graag met both voeten op de grond. Of the natural environment on the feeërieke Ryptsjerksterpolder in Friesland, Netherlands. The Belg had the heel of the shoes last week and had a parapet over the roof. En hij genoot he zelf ook volop van. “As a child I played on the canals in Brugge,” says Belg on ‘RTV NOF’. “I’m happy with spontaneous avontures. Eigenlijk is paragliding my excuus om the world round te reizen and new plekken te ontdekken. I haven’t been to Fryslân yet. What a beautiful plek, with the moles, the rust and the light.”

Also, for the Belgians, the daughter is lost to the valley and is still there. Maar toen hij aenmaal de juiste techniek te pakken had, raasde hij de other schaatsers voorbij op het wondermooie stukje natuurpracht. Rivets! Trekking in Greenland in my time of snowkiting. “We can now see that we have already started training before the expedition begins,” says De Dorlodot, laughing.

KIJK OOK. Belgian paragliders two from the top of the K2

KIJK OOK. Belgian paraglider flying boven tulpenvelden in Nederland
