KIJK. Wetenschappers ontdekken sea in 100 new seas on the ocean mountains for the kiss of Chili | Instagram VTM NEWS

Wetenschappers have a unique design for the art of chili in the still ocean. Ze ontdekten he sea dan honderd nooit erder gezien zeedieren: zee-egels, kreeften, sponzen en koralen. De vondst leverde, zoals in otherstaande video, unieke beelden op.

Salas y Gómez en Nazca zijn two onderzeese mountains the same sea dan 4,000 kilometers long zijn. The highest mountain above the coast of Chili is 3,500 meters above sea level. It is a walhalla of oceanic biodiversity. Wetenschappers ontdekten de nieuwe dieren via a onderwaterrobot the tot 4,500 meters diepte can duiken. The robot was built on a large area in the area of ​​Maar and ran 52,777 square kilometers.

“We have always exceeded our expectations. “Jever guarded old new sorts of wine in these remote areas in poor surroundings, with the high quality of the area, especially for summer groeps, is astonishing,” Aldus Marien biologist Javier Sellanes.

“The full identification can be achieved through a long period of time, the team has a long-standing base in the world, which is a well-known hotspot for biodiversity,” he says at the on-site center of the Schmidt Ocean Institute.

The coming maanden zullen the Wetenschappers the area can still be misunderstood. This is a prayer for the protection of the underwater level. “Deze bloeiende en gezonde ecosystems bewijzen dat de maatregelen die nu al bestaan ​​in een part of the area (de National Park Nazca-Desventuradas en Juan Fernández, red.)effectief bescherming bien.”

Bekijk hieronder de splendid pictures of the zeediertjes:

Spiralvormig koraal. © Schmidt Ocean Institute

Een immediately inkvis.
Een immediately inkvis. © Schmidt Ocean Institute

Long-reached sea egels.
Long-reached sea egels. © Schmidt Ocean Institute

A Chaunax.
A Chaunax. © ROV SuBastian / Schmidt Ocean Institute

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