KIJK. Oekraïne shoots own drone near boven centrum Kiev on technical storing | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Burgemeester Vitali Klitsjko said the brand was broken in the west of the Oekraïense Hoofdstad, possibly by drone fragments. Over slachtoffers of shame are never reported.

Inwoners hoorden lasted for twenty minutes and exploded. A French journalist said on Twitter that the drone would not be allowed in the presidential palace or the air. The president was at that moment net from the Netherlands. Het toestel zou zijn neergestort in de buurt van de oever van de rivier de Dnieper, net buiten het stadscentrum. He was given an air raid alarm. The militaire autoriteiten vroegen mensen kalm te blijven en naar een veilige plek te gaan. Well when you are, the sign will be given to you.

The incident is related to the handling of Moscow that the Kremlin is scheduled for two drones. He stamped that as a poging om president Vladimir Poetin te vermoorden. Kiev is now being treated, even as the United States.
