KIJK LIVE. Apple announces long-awaited ‘Mixed Reality’ bril. Volg hier de persconference | Apple

The yearly hooligans for Apple fanatics started at 19:00 and het belooft a good gevulde persconferentie te. Volg de most belangrijkste aankondigingen here live.

MacBook Air with great scam

For example, Apple has a MacBook Air with a shear of 15 inches attached. Tot nu toe producersde Apple grandson MacBook Airs with a 13.3 or 13.6 inch shear. The 15-inch MacBook Air is available to order and will be available on June 13th. Apple fans would like to know that the price for the laptop starts at 1,599 euros.

The MacBook Air has a specially designed, “Razensnelle” M2 processor. In fact, Apple is the new MacBook Air with only 11.5 mm thin laptops. Hij weighs ampere 1,500 grams. The new MacBook Air has a battery that is 18 hours long. Het toestel zou also twaalf keer sneller zijn dan zijn voorgangers.

The new MacBook Air with a 15 inch shear. ©Apple

Updates in iOS 17 for iPhone

Apple comes with missing updates in the iOS 17, the newest version of the besturing system of the iPhone. Apple-bruikers can now wilt near the neighborhood beller ID it is sold on iPhones from others. Also FaceTime and reports get an update. So he is a new function voicemails can be transcribed. FaceTime now reports with geluid en video. When someone belts the rivet is available, a report can be sent that the person later can be informed of. Gebruikers zullen also more information can be sent with contact persons, such as your battery percentage.

He comes zoals guarded also een nieuwe app om een dagboek bij te houden. As a business near by rice, the ‘Dagboek’ app can present these locations, photos and the music were to be placed in the app. The app can also write scripts that are used by the builders aan te need notities that are made over hun ervaringen.

Met de standby-Functie can use bruikers bovendien informatie blijven zien than your iPhone aan de oplader ligt.

Met de nieuwe NameDrop-Tool raises used machines de possible from hun contactgevens te delen door twee iPhones close to elkaar te houden. Daarnast zal er een ‘Check in’ function come, what army brothers family leden of vrienden can later weten dat ze veilig zijn thuisgekomen.


The iPadOS 17 system makes the iPad according to Apple “no more personal and more”. What does he change anyway for the iPad? A new generation of notifications and interactive widgets, new features in pdf’s and notifications, updates of reports, FaceTime and Safari, and a new Gezondheid app.


For information about the AirPods from Apple and an update. So there is a new function that automatically follows the level of special printing that is expected to be in use. Op the manner zal de bruiker not lift a long load van aleidende geluiden.

Apple AirPods Pro.
Apple AirPods Pro. © AFP

apple watch

With the Apple Watch, Apple says that a new system for widgets is launched. The army can use the generated information about the area of ​​the app that needs to be opened. Het gaat dan bijvoorbeeld om het weer of afspraken which are in each agenda.

Also the design of the Apple Watch should be used differently. He comes both new changing and mindfulness apps and also the bikes app gets an update.

Apple ‘VisionPro’-bril

After all, as an analyst for a long time, Apple also announced ‘VisionPro’, the very first ‘Mixed Reality’ bril.

KIJK. Apple agrees ‘mixed reality’-bril aan: ‘VisionPro’
