KIJK. Joe Biden was ready for democracy in his first campaign clip | Buitenland

UpdateThe team of Joe Biden released its first televised clip on Thursday in the squad of the campaign for its successor. Tegen de Achterground van beelden van de aanval op het Capitool waarschuwt de President in de clip voor de bedreiging van democratie in de United States.


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The team lances the spot on social media on Thursday, and on television it is said that the day before it is ready. The prizes for three years have been recognized by the supporters of Donald Trump in the Capitol, which refused to accept the election of Biden.

“We want to put everything in front of you: what we do in our democracy is the leader,” said the 81-year-old Democrat in the clip. “He is registered in the United States. “He is an extremist movement that is fundamental to our democracy.”

In the clip, Biden Trump never said that he had received a lot of praise for dramatic music from the pancartes of supporters of the Republic on the day of the storming of the Capitool, as well as of naked racists who met in the famous demonstration in Charlottesville in 2017.

The campaign team of Biden describes the presidents’ election in November, which, as a result of the strong attacks, became a nek-aan-nekrace, more or less as a strijd for the American democracy against the invasion of Trump. Dezelfde boodschap zal Biden vrijdag also brought in a toespraak tijdens a campaign event in Pennsylvania.

KIJK OOK. “The president has an extra broek for when he is on gelukje heeft”

A style image from the first campaign clip of Joe Biden.  / American President Joe Biden.
A style image from the first campaign clip of Joe Biden. / American President Joe Biden. © X / Photo News
