KIJK. Israeli Yoni done over terugkeer van gegijzelde vrouw en Dochters: “Vieren kan ik pas wanneer laatste gijzelaar vrij is” | Conflict Israel-Palestine

The Palestine terreur group Hamas lies in front of the Israeli gijzelaars in front of the world. On the other hand, the woman and children of Yoni Asher. In a video booth, the last thing you can see is the fact that it’s still there. “Maar ik four het niet. “It’s important to remember that the last thing you want is important,” he says.

Hamas left gisteren dertien gijzelaars vrij als deel van een wapenstilstand the four dagen moet duren. The other children were the 34-year-old Doron Katz Asher and the hair daughters Raz (5) and Aviv (2). On October 7th there was Doron seeds with hair children in the house of hair growers in Nir Oz, the village was Hamas which then had a bloody bath.

Grootmoeder Efrat Katz was killed, Gadi Moshe Mozes was killed. Ok the brother of Doron will be paid. Dorons real-genoot Yoni was the infamous dag niet in Nir Oz en kon aan de gruwel ontsnappen. Hij zag which grandchildren have written pictures of their children and children in gevangenschap.

Yoni Asher met her wife Doron (34) and her children Raz (5) and Aviv (2). © RV

“Elke gijzelaar moet terugkeren”

In a video booth, Yoni hoe blij hij is dat zijn gezin eindelijk weer thuis is. “I have a large family to help me make the trauma and the dungeon that we have saved meegemaakt, for my daughters and children to come to life,” says the young dad, who has the opportunity to stay awake.

No matter how he now has a black load on Yoni’s shoes, he is still able to talk to the four of them. “That can’t be done to the last time it’s possible,” he sounds. “I want to print the children, fathers, mothers and children in this moment. “We have a lot of food that is broken hard and I want to err on the side of something that can be broken down,” Aldus Yoni.

Tomorrow you will be told that Hamas will also be able to see what you can see. Israël zal in ruil daarvoor 42 Palestijnse gevangenen aan de terreurgroep overdragen. The equipment is located at around 16 o’clock in the local area.

KIJK. Pakkende beelden: vrijgelaten gijzelaar Ohad (9) sluit papa weer in de armen
