KIJK. Emotionele Van Peel in the camera: “Had u a documentaire nodig om strijd tegen kindermisbruik aan te gaan?” | Home

Valerie Van Peel (N-VA) got the camera completely in style when she heard the word and came back from the zitting. “Had u a documentaire nodig om de strijd aan te gaan tegen kinderabbruik in de kerk?”, vraagt ​​ze aan Minister van Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld). ‘Godvergeten’, a document from VRT Canvas, is intended to ensure that everything is understood about the misfire within the prison in Belgium in the present day. “1 on the 10 children made me and we did it very well,” says Van Peel with a shaking stem.


Latest update:
28-09-23, 17:54
