KIJK. 1,500 drones zorgen for ongezien Notecraker spectacle that meteen also two wereldrecords breekt | Buitenland

In Texas in the United States, ‘Sky Elements Drone Shows’ are being held for a new ‘Notenkraker’ spectacle. With 1,499 drones available for two new world records. A drone can be used at the moment of lancering namelijk not opstijgen. The record was recorded for the largest figure with drones and was recorded with a moving figure by the notary cracker. The other world record for the ‘largest aircraft with drones’ has already been used with even many drones within the framework of the Christmas boom with packages for a room. Doordat de drones allaal tegelijk in large areas opstijgen, wordt de balletvoorstelling helemaal dead leven brought. In total, 40 crew members worked on the spectacle.


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