Kiekkopomo read Severi Lahtinen’s rape accusation from IL – Breaking the silence now

The SM League heard about Severi Lahtinen’s rape accusation from the public. According to the series, clubs have the main responsibility for investigating serious situations.

CEO Mikko Pulkkinen says that the SM league is sorry. Inka Soveri

  • The SM League is sorry for the sexual crime suspicions that have become public.
  • The club is responsible for the measures.
  • The threshold to intervene in an unfinished criminal case is high.

CEO of the SM League Mikko Pulkkinen commented for the first time on the rape charge and sentence related to the players of the series.

Tappara announced on Thursday that representing the team Top Rönni, 19, is accused of rape. The suspected crime took place two years ago, when Rönni was still a minor.

– We are very sorry about this matter and we take it very seriously. Now, however, it is important to let the Finnish legal system do its job, Pulkkinen replies by email.

Severi Lahtinen received a two-week prison sentence for rape last week. The judgment is not legally binding, as Lahtinen is appealing to the Court of Appeal. JYP fired the striker.

According to Pulkkinen, the SM League heard about Lahtinen’s indictment and sentence on the same day that the matter became public. Iltalehti was the first to report on the rape charge filed against the SM league hockey player on September 29.

Lahtinen was out of the lineup for one match, but then returned to JYP’s first team.

What is the League’s position on having a player with a criminal conviction or accused of a serious crime in the lineup? Can the League take a stand on the matter or deny it?

– Primarily, in case of criminal suspicion, it is up to the club, i.e. the player’s employer, to decide how to react to the employee’s criminal suspicion. In criminal cases, the employer makes a reasoned decision whether to release the employee from work obligations for the duration of the suspicion or whether to agree, for example, to terminate the employment relationship, Pulkkinen answers on a general level.

– We in the League have to evaluate each case in light of the legislation and our disciplinary rules. It must be remembered that the League is not in the role of an employer in such a situation, but all suspicions of crime must be investigated thoroughly, he continues.


Severi Lahtinen got fired. Vesa Pöppönen / AOP

Does the League consult with clubs about procedures if a player is charged with a crime? Was this the case with JYP?

– Of course there are discussions, but things like this are primarily between the employee and the employer. If necessary, the League will naturally help the club in the situation.

Pulkkinen did not answer the question whether Lahtinen can receive sanctions from the SM league. Jere Karalahti In 1997, he was banned from the SM League for the rest of the season, when he was sentenced to a three-month suspended sentence in the Helsinki district court for drug abuse and possession.

Lahti does not have a valid player contract with a SM league club.

“We are sorry”

Topi Rönni is accused of rape. Tomi Natri / AOP

According to Pulkkinen’s opinion, league clubs do not have a practice of checking the criminal records of their players.

– The main rule is that a private employer cannot request a person’s criminal record information from the authority, but the person always orders a criminal record extract himself.

According to the CEO, if a player is seriously suspected of or charged with a crime, the SM league’s options for action are limited.

– Regarding an unfinished criminal case, the threshold for intervention must be quite high. As for the future, we as a league now have to figure out what we can do more to support clubs and the community in similar situations and how to avoid them.

Pulkkinen wants to emphasize that the situation is taken seriously.

– I don’t think any sport wants to have to have such discussions. It is clear that this is a serious criminal suspicion and we take it very seriously. All suspected crimes must be investigated thoroughly.

Artisti Poju defended Severi Lahti after this verdict. IL-TV
