Kickboxer Levi Rigters about training camp in Morocco: “There it is eating, training, sleeping. Nothing else. We are ready.”

Kickboxer Levi Rigters will return to the ring on Saturday evening. During Glory Collision 4, the 27-year-old from Amsterdam comes face to face with Nigerian Tariq Osaro. He prepared for this fight at a training camp in Morocco. “There’s the food, training, sleeping. Nothing else. We are ready,” says Rigters.

Levi Rigters – Pro Shots / Mischa Keemink


Last summer, the North Hollander also became a father for the first time. Reason for trainer Jamal Kharrouche to organize the training camp in Morocco. “Here in the Netherlands there is always distraction from all sides,” says Kharrouche.

Levi Rigters finally back in the ring – NH Nieuws


Rigters would face Jamal Ben Saddik in March. Both fighters were prepared for the clash, but the match was canceled at the last minute. Huge riots broke out in the stadium in Hasselt. “I was very disappointed at that moment. I was completely ready and at the last moment it was canceled. That was quite a blow to me,” said a disappointed Rigters.

“For me it’s important that I fight. It doesn’t matter who”

kick boxer levi rigters

World champion?

Due to all the circumstances, the ambitious kickboxer has stood still for a long time in martial arts. “In the end I didn’t fight for over a year. For me it is now important that I fight. It does not matter against whom.”

Rigters previously indicated that he wanted to become champion before he was 28. That didn’t work out, but the Amsterdammer remains ambitious. “After this match I want to compete against a fighter who is higher classified than me. That way I want to head towards Rico Verhoeven. I will have to beat him to become world champion. That is still the big goal”.

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