Khalid Kasem severely burned by Catherine Keyl: ‘No hope’

Khalid Kasem is badly burned by Catherine Keyl. The television dinosaur does not have the idea that anything will happen with the Khalid & Sophie star. “I’m afraid there is little hope.”


There are few presenters as unpopular as Khalid Kasem and Sophie Hilbrand. Their program Khalid & Sophie is being burned from all sides, but in the meantime the NPO is casually promoting them to the late evening. What does Catherine Keyl think? She presented a popular talk show for years, so she knows a lot about it.

Critical question

Catherine has no confidence in Khalid at all, she says in the New Revu. “I don’t think he’s independent. I think he has a preconceived opinion and that he wants to see it come true every time.”

As a journalist, you must try to find out what is actually going on without bias, says Catherine. And according to her, the pawnbroker of the NPO is not capable of doing that. “I have seen several interviews of Kasem and I thought: can you really not think of a more critical question?”

Little hope

Things probably won’t work out with that man anymore, says Catherine. “He’s had quite a lot of time, because he’s been doing it for a while. If you can’t do it yet, I’m afraid there is little hope. It’s like if I became a lawyer without having studied law and then had to defend someone. I couldn’t do that either.”

She concludes: “Presenting is not something that just anyone can do. It is and remains a profession. I think it’s great that Kasem has been given the opportunity to gain experience, but there must come a time when he proves to be able to be critical and dare to ask questions against his own views. I’ve never seen that with him.”
