Khalid Kasem reveals what he does during Khalid & Sophie’s summer break

Khalid Kasem has become a well-known TV face, but until September we won’t see him on the tube at all. What does the former lawyer do with his long NPO holidays?

© Annemieke van der Togt

As a lawyer, Khalid Kasem was busy all year round with all his cases, but currently he enjoys the luxurious life of an NPO star. In television they think that five or six months of work is full time and the Khalid & Sophie presenter is now enjoying that to the fullest. But what does he actually do with all that free time?

This is what Khalid does

Khalid is now enjoying a ‘quieter period’, he says. “So it’s a bit of relaxation, but you’re also thinking about the next season. And also about how the past season was and what you want to change. The thinking never really stops,” he says in the weekly magazine Party.

An NPO job is great for your family life, he explains. “You just do more things together. The summer period also starts again when you look outside. The weather is getting nicer and then you go out more often.”

On holiday?

Talk show hosts enjoy a lazy life. Eva Jinek, for example, is also notorious for her ultra-long vacations. Will Khalid also travel? “We don’t have any concrete plans at the moment, but maybe.”

Khalid always gets a lot of criticism on social media. Does he think his TV career is here to stay? Or does he turn his nose up at all criticism? “No, I don’t find that very interesting. What you have to do is look at how the people close to you react to the program.”

Great confidence

He continues to have great confidence in Khalid & Sophie. “A program needs time to grow, to find its shape. Sophie and I have a lot of fun, and interest, and that’s where it all starts, of course.”

He continues: “You can already tell that when people think about the eve, they think Khalid & Sophie. It took time to get there. You can now also notice it in the guests, the viewers. You feel: we are making something that people enjoy looking at and that is why you do it.”
