Khalid Kasem attacks Kaag in conversation with Rob Jetten: ‘Five seats!’

Khalid Kasem tried to persuade Rob Jetten last night to distance himself from his predecessor Sigrid Kaag. “There are only five seats left!” said the talk show host.


D66 leader Rob Jetten sat at the table with Khalid & Sophie last night. His party is very low in the polls and, according to talk show host Khalid Kasem, this is due to his predecessor Sigrid Kaag. “I think people looked at your predecessor, Mrs. Kaag, and thought: she said a lot about a new administrative culture.”

Khalid critical

And then ‘almost nothing came of it’, Khalid continues. “She did not choose to sit in Parliament and control the government, but became a minister. (…) At the first opportunity she was gone and she was deputy prime minister. Is that something you will do differently?”

Jetten then jumps into the breach for Kaag. “Maybe first let’s talk about Sigrid Kaag, because I think she has used the 24 seats we obtained last time very well for D66’s top priorities, but she has also appointed real professionals. Robbert Dijkgraaf, Ernst Kuipers.”

‘Five seats!’

Nice talk, but it didn’t really work out, says Khalid. He shouts: “But there are only five seats left! (…) I can also imagine you saying: there are some points on which I distance myself from Mrs Kaag, because indeed there were 24 seats at the time and there are only those left – and I am not saying that because I want to rub it under your nose – five from over.”

Khalid finds it strange that Jetten no longer wants to speak out against Kaag. “So you can also say: ‘Those choices that were made then were apparently not the right choices.’”


Jetten does not want to be tempted into riotous statements. “I was also on the air with you on Friday and I already talked about that poll, so you get more or less the same answer from me: 80 percent of the voter still has to make their choice, so there goes the will also be talking about the campaign in the coming weeks.”

From now on everything will be different, Jetten promises. “We can now show that things can really be different from these elections.”

Due to a technical problem, today’s polls, like your vote, were unfortunately lost. The polls have now been reposted.
