Keys in a professional challenge

Those of us who come from organizational fields, especially in recent decades, have experienced that the world in relation to work has been (and will continue to be) synonymous with transformation; the technological revolution that brings with it changes inherent to organizational cultures that are being redesigned, roles with new responsibilities that are emerging, and others that have had to be rethought. Without a doubt, youA complex challenge to tackle, but enriching for those who have had to go through it. Now, what happens if we look at the people who make up the organizations or who are aspiring to actively integrate them? We know that the motivations and purposes have been changing, and will continue in that line, because as we made it clear: The world of work is changing, as are the people who make it up.

This present, labor revolutionary and dynamic, calls us to analyze and understand what are the things that the new generations ponder today when choosing to accept a new labor challenge as well as choosing to stay; in other words, Why do they choose you or continue to choose you?. We can fall into more “generic” answers that we have surely read or heard at some time, such as looking for a good work environment, career development, “according compensation package”, among others. Doesn’t it seem a bit obvious and redundant that a person seeks to grow professionally with new experiences or that their salary is competitive? Going a little further, the invitation that I propose to you is to qualitatively analyze the information that we may have available to make a difference, anticipate and, as a consequence, not be left with answers that, today, do not provide us with any differentiator.

Those of us who integrate or work with talent attraction areas, We are in constant contact with people who, leaving aside the compensation package, are informed, analyzed and inquire about the company, looking for references and answers to questions such as:
What is it like to work in “X” company? Who makes up the C-Level? How has your professional career development been until you got there? What values ​​do they promote? What role are you calling me for and what impact would it have on society/team/company? What are the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies that you have implemented? Who are the leading women/leaders who work there?, among others.

Unlike in the not so distant past, the questions to answer arise in a context where they seek to find meeting points with their professional objectives, references with whom they can identify and, above all, share a purpose that makes them proud of To be part. It produces what I call a mutual choicewhere the organization chooses the person as much as the person chooses the organization as their next step in their professional development.
From my experience and as a conclusion, I believe that this scenario is enriching for those of us who are committed to promoting organizational cultures with a ‘people centric’ perspective. These motivations, views and purposes are here to stay – choose and be chosen – The question would be, organizations: what are (we) doing so that young professional talent chooses (us) them?

Ludmila Dubini Zerga She has a degree in Labor Relations with a focus on employability of digital and technological talent in LATAM. She accompanies organizations in their processes of growth and development of technological / digital talent.

by Ludmila Dubini Zerga

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